Camping in the Snowies

Camping in the Snowies

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Going to Frannie WY to see Kelly Wells

On a cool July 8th morning we set out pulling Luci north through Albany county past Bosler ( home of Bosler rosin, "medicine for your bow"), Medicine Bow (home of the Virginian Hotel), the Shirley Basin, Casper and finally stopping for lunch in Shoshoni. I'm saddened that the Yellowstone Drug store is closed where they made the most wonderful ice cream malts.
Ever pointing north, Luci passes the Boysen reservoir and winds through the Wind River canyon following the rushing river. 

Unable to find a coffee shop in Thermopolis, we stop at the State Park where thermal springs are a feature and make a pot of coffee, drinking it at a handy picnic table. Lots of folks were taking advantage of a free soak. Here is an example of the mineral deposits left by the springs.

North again through beautiful if stark country. Chugwater formation red dirt then sandstone rising up on either side of the river, we are almost to Greybull.

On to Lovell we see sugar beet fields more often than corn here. Crowley, Deaver (a food truck serving  Chinese food is parked at a former cafe!) and finally at Frannie we turn east on 2 1/2 Road and then south to Kelly's farm home. 
After a good visit and some dinner Dave and Kelly play some tunes.

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